Advanced optimisation

In this section, we show how HEBO can be used for constrained and multi-objective optimisation

\[\begin{split}\begin{array}{lll} \text{minimize} && (f_1(x), \dots, f_m(x)) \\ \text{s.t.} && c_1(x) < 0 \\ ~ && c_2(x) < 0 \\ && \dots \\ && c_n(x) < 0 \end{array}\end{split}\]

Objective function

We use benchmark functions from pymoo

import numpy as np
import torch
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from pymoo.factory import get_problem
from pymoo.util.plotting import plot
from pymoo.util.dominator import Dominator

problem = get_problem("zdt1", n_var = 5)

dim = problem.n_var
num_obj = problem.n_obj
num_constr = problem.n_constr

We define a wrapper for our BO algorithm, the wrapper function takes in a pd.DataFrame and output an np.ndarray where left columns are objectives and constraint values are in right columns.

def obj(param : pd.DataFrame) -> np.ndarray:
    names = ['x' + str(i) for i in range(problem.n_var)]
    x   = param[names].values
    out = {}
    o = out['F'].reshape(x.shape[0], num_obj)
    if num_constr > 0:
        c = out['G'].reshape(x.shape[0], num_constr)
        c = np.zeros((x.shape[0],0))
    return np.hstack([o,c])

def extract_pf(points : np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
    dom_matrix = Dominator().calc_domination_matrix(points,None)
    is_optimal = (dom_matrix >= 0).all(axis = 1)
    return points[is_optimal]

Design space

from hebo.design_space.design_space import DesignSpace

lb,ub  = problem.bounds()
params = [{'name' : 'x' + str(i), 'type' : 'num', 'lb' : lb[i], 'ub' : ub[i]} for i in range(dim)]
space  = DesignSpace().parse(params)
x0 x1 x2 x3 x4
0 0.248171 0.632608 0.240098 0.490050 0.732430
1 0.931607 0.034736 0.701038 0.516294 0.121251
2 0.645922 0.065483 0.469201 0.127420 0.123271
3 0.160319 0.797957 0.901810 0.912018 0.235120
4 0.188969 0.337747 0.181045 0.068357 0.539323

Bayesian optimisation

The GeneralBO class can be used to perform multi-objective bayesian optimisation

from hebo.optimizers.general import GeneralBO
conf = {}
conf['num_hiddens'] = 64
conf['num_layers'] = 2
conf['output_noise'] = False
conf['rand_prior'] = True
conf['verbose'] = False
conf['l1'] = 3e-3
conf['lr'] = 3e-2
conf['num_epochs'] = 100
opt = GeneralBO(space, num_obj, num_constr, model_conf = conf)
for i in range(50):
    rec = opt.suggest(n_suggestions=4)
    opt.observe(rec, obj(rec))

We’ll plot the Pareto front given by BO algorithm, and compare it with random search, we can see that BO gives much better PF than random search

feasible_y = extract_pf(opt.y)
rand_y     = extract_pf(obj(space.sample(opt.y.shape[0])))
plt.plot(feasible_y[:,0], feasible_y[:,1], 'x', color = 'r', label = 'BO')
plt.plot(rand_y[:,0], rand_y[:,1], 'x', color = 'b', label = 'Rand')
plt.title('Number of Pareto optimal points from BO: %d' % feasible_y.shape[0])
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x29010f9d308>

Model accuracy checking

params = space.sample(1000)
values = obj(params)
with torch.no_grad():
    py,ps2 = opt.model.predict(*space.transform(params))
plt.plot(values[:,1], py[:,1], 'x')
plt.plot(values[:,1], values[:,1])
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x29010eeb488>]